As the nation's leading recruiter and staffing agency exclusively serving the market research industry, below are 2018 compensation statistics. We are dedicated to providing transparency to hiring managers and research professionals, so we provide these detailed statistics as a service to the industry.
2018 Market Research Salary and Compensation by Job Title
Title | Annual Average Base | Average Annual Bonus | Total |
Project Director | $68,500 | $3,227 | $71,726 |
Senior Project Director | $100,500 | $6,250 | $106,749 |
Research Analyst | $80,000 | $4,375 | $84,374 |
Senior Research Analyst | $86,250 | $5,750 | $91,999 |
Research Manager/Director | $104,519 | $9,615 | $114,134 |
Senior Research Manager/Director | $128,900 | $11,100 | $139,999 |
Account Executive/Manager | $98,125 | $7,500 | $105,624 |
Senior Account Executive/Manager | $106,250 | $25,416 | $131,666 |
Statistician | $155,000 | $2,500 | $157,500 |
Brand Manager | $134,500 | $20,700 | $155,199 |
Assistant Vice President | $118,750 | $17,500 | $136,249 |
Vice President | $135,394 | $19,236 | $154,631 |
Senior Vice President | $165,119 | $38,714 | $203,833 |
President/General Manager | $184,531 | $44,833 | $229,364 |
Owner | $173,295 | $47,812 | $221,107 |
2018 Market Research Salary and Compensation by Geography
Region | Annual Average Base | Average Annual Bonus | Total | Index |
Northeast | $129,500 | $20,700 | $150,199 | 100 |
South | $120,285 | $14,941 | $135,226 | 90 |
Central | $127,736 | $16,906 | $144,642 | 96 |
West | $145,312 | $24,823 | $170,135 | 113 |
For additional salary information (by years of experience, suppliers vs. corporate research departments) please view the report below. The data was collected in Q1, 2018 from nearly 800 market research professionals.
2018 Compensation Data