As the nation's leading recruiter and staffing agency exclusively serving the market research industry, below are 2022 compensation statistics. We are dedicated to providing transparency to hiring managers and research professionals, so we provide these detailed statistics as a service to the industry. To help quantify current salary and annual bonus information, we conducted a survey of market research professionals in Q1 of 2022 with nearly 1,000 market research professionals participataing. Below are the nationwide, aggregate results. 2022 Nationwide Market Research Salary and Compensation by Job Title and Role
PersonalizationThe above data represent the national average compensation across all years of experience and geographies. However, you can adjust the compensation data above using the following two indices:
For example, if you work for a Supplier as a Senior Project Director, you can adjust the nationwide salary of $90,208 to reflect your personal circumstance. Assuming you have 3 years of experience working in the Midwest, the following two adjustments can be made to the national data to determine the competitive compensation level:
By simple calculation, your adjusted, competitive salary is: $90,208 * 0.94 * 0.97 = $82,252. Be RealisticBased upon the 2022 compensation data from nearly 1,000 MR professionals, researchers and employers should adjust their expectations accordingly.
Contact UsIf you're a market research professional and your current compensation falls below the 2022 benchmarks, please give us a call at 203-968-2773 to discuss your particular situation and career aspirations. It may also be helpful to submit your resume so we have a detailed understanding of your education and professional experience. If you're a hiring manager or HR professional, please consider the above compensation when planning or extending offers. Call us at 203-968-2773 so we can help you find the ideal candidate and suggest a competitive compensation that will be accepted. Our Budget Staffing solution will save you time and money -- allowing you to successfully fill your open positions with quality candidates.