Market research staffing outlook: filling market research jobs

2012 Market Research Staffing Outlook: Filling Market Research Jobs

Based upon a survey of more than 500 Market Research Professionals, we are pleased to share the information below regarding compensation levels, positions in demand, and the general condition of the job landscape for Market Research Professionals.

  • Across all job titles and experience levels, the annual salary of an MR Professional increased by 1.9% in 2012 to $99,000 with an annual bonus of $18,000 (download the presentation for title-specific compensation).

  • Positions in greatest demand in 2012 include: Entry Level Researchers, Project Managers, and Market Research Managers.

  • 48% of organizations expect to hire a researcher in 2012 -- down modestly from 51% in 2012.

  • On average, only one-third of all surveyed MR professionals believe: their company provides competitive compensation, provides career advancement opportunities, or is the best place to work.

  • Only 34% of researchers do not expect a raise in 2012 -- up from 31% in 2011.

We encourage you to download the summary presentation for additional staffing insights.

Feel free to contact us to ask question or to discuss potential career options.